Increasing the pid limit

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Increasing the pid limit

The default value for pids_limit in the CRI-O environment which OpenShift 4 now supports is 1024 user processes. This has been reduced from the default 4096 found in docker runtime environments. Whilst this is adequate for the vast majority of scenarios, there may be cases where this proves a limitation. It seems there isnt a straightforward approach to reconfiguring this value to support more threads. I initially tried to configure podPidsLimit in the same way as configuring maxPods, by the application of a KubeletConfiguration:

kind: KubeletConfig
  name: set-max-pids 
      custom-kubelet: pids-4K 
    maxPods: 500
    podPidsLimit: 4096 

whilst this seems to work, and the configuration is applied to the node. The Pods deployed subsequently are still limited.

The way to increase the pid limit is via the /etc/crio/crio.conf file deployed on each worker node. There is a mechanism where you can base64 encode the entire crio.conf file and overwrite the existing file as part of a MachineConfig, but this appears clumsy and isnt future proof as will override any subsequent changes to crio.conf. Ive raised the following bugzilla on this issue. In the meantime, Ive adopted the following to enable large numbers of threads to be used by both my client application and the QM.

Select a worker node to deploy your client onto, ssh onto the worker node(you will need access to the bastion node) and manually change the pids_limit setting in crio.conf to a larger value. Whilst you are logged onto the worker node, restart the crio service ‘sudo systemctl restart crio’. You will then need to modify your job/pod yaml to ensure that node is chosen.

      nodeSelector: : <>

A similar approach can be taken for editing the crio.conf on the Node the QM is running on. After restarting the crio service, update the MQ QM stateful set yaml to use a nodeSelector to pin the QM to a particular node and delete the pod to trigger its recreation.